There is HOPE to lose weight

I want to share my Freedom Weight Loss Journey on Semaglutide with all of you today. My experience has been nothing short of amazing. I began my journey 7 weeks ago with a very ambitious goal – losing 102 pounds. It might sound like I set a goal that would take years to reach but I am thrilled to say that at 7 weeks I have lost 22 pounds or 21.6% of my overall target. That is an average weekly weight loss of 3 pounds per week. I couldn’t be happier!
Looking back to the beginning of the journey I was almost afraid to hope. Mary Dahmm and the Freedom Weight Loss team have been patient and encouraging this entire time. They understood that weight loss was an issue I have struggled with over and over for 40 years. I’ve tried so many types of diet and exercise programs with no long term success. I have tried over the counter and prescription medications. Every weight loss I have ever achieved was followed by regaining the lost weight plus some extra. I am 65 years old with some chronic health issues including insulin resistance and being pre-diabetic for 30 plus years. As you might imagine, I am very anxious to keep from making my chronic issues worse. My daily glucose readings have now dropped into normal ranges and I am eager to see my next A1C to see if I am moving away from the diabetic diagnosis that has loomed over my head for half of my life. Since starting the Semaglutide program I feel better about myself and have started going out to do things like volunteering in the community and I even had my first kayak trip. What will be next?
Mary and her team at Freedom Weight Loss have been supportive of my desire to move slowly and safely. One of the best things about the Semaglutide program with Freedom Weight loss is that I feel like I am in control and have the support I need to be comfortable as the medication eliminates cravings while my metabolism adjusts and rebalances. I also feel like the team understands my need to change my relationship with food from a source of comfort to a source of energy to enjoy my life. Freedom Weight Loss also has a private Facebook group available for those of us on the program to post our victories, share our concerns and support one another.
Please look at the Freedom Weight Loss Facebook page and reach out. I can’t tell you enough that there is HOPE. Hope to lose the weight and keep it off. Hope to feel healthy and good about yourself. Hope to enjoy the people and activities that have slipped out of reach. All of these hopes are precious to each of us and the team at Freedom Weight Loss is there to help