Appointments available Now in our Bonne Terre, MO office

Telehealth Services in Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado & New Mexico.

$25 off for Law Enforcement, Military, & First Responders

Couples - Weight Loss Services for the 2nd person 10% off when ordered together

One discount per client, cannot be combined. Discounts do not apply to Maintenance Pricing. 

How does Semaglutide work?

  • Delays how quickly our stomachs digest food, leading to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with smaller meal sizes.
  • Slows intestinal motility so you will feel fuller longer after meals.
  • Lowers blood sugars, in part by reducing the production of sugar in the liver.
  • Stimulates insulin secretion by the pancreas.
  • Decreases inflammation throughout the body, which leads to Adiponectin release and fat lipolysis.

Since it works in the part of the brain that controls hunger and cravings people often describe no longer experiencing “food noise.” Being able to turn off the food noise and control hunger and cravings is a very effective tool for developing healthier eating habits. Healthy diet and lifestyle is still essential for losing weight and keeping it off. 

How does Tirzepatide work?

  • Delays how quickly the stomach digests food, leading to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with smaller meal sizes.
  • Slows intestinal motility so you will feel fuller longer after meals.
  • Dual action receptors allow for lower blood sugars, in part by reducing the production of sugar in the liver.
  • Stimulates insulin secretion by the pancreas.
  • GIP increases energy expenditure, resulting in weight loss.

Weight Loss Services Pricing

What is the difference between Semaglutide & Tirzepatide?

  • Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist, which helps control appetite, slow digestion, and regulate blood sugar.
  • Tirzepatide is a dual GLP-1 and GIP receptor agonist, meaning it has an extra mechanism that may further improve insulin sensitivity and enhance weight loss.
  • Some people find that Tirzepatide may cause fewer GI side effects and lead to greater weight loss compared to Semaglutide.

Frequently asked questions about Semaglutide & Tirzepatide

If I'm not diabetic will these medications cause low blood sugar?

No, it usually does not cause low blood sugar. GLP-1 can increase the production IF your glucose level is too high, as in someone with Diabetes or after you eat. 

Who can't take Semaglutide & Tirzepatide?

If you have a history of any of the following you may not be able to take these medications and need to discuss this with your Provider:

  • History of medullary thyroid cancer or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
  • Allergy to Tirzepatide
  • Type 1 Diabetes
  • Diabetic eye disease
  • Gallbladder disease or a history of pancreatitis

What are the side effects of these medications?

It is important to remember that every medication can have side effects and that not everyone who takes a medication experiences side effects. With Semaglutide or Tirzepatide those who do experience side effects usually find that they are GI related and go away within a few weeks once their body gets used to the medication.  

The most common side effects include:

  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Diarrhea/constipation
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Heartburn/Indigestion

Taking a fiber supplement and increasing your water intake are the two most important things you can do to prevent constipation.

When will I start losing weight?

With both Semaglutide & Tirzepatide you start at a low dose and titrate dose up to allow your body to adjust and prevent side effects. Some people start losing on that initial starting dose, others need to get to a higher dose before they see weight loss. Everyone is different in how medication affects them but it is important to be patient and remember that this is not an instant fix. It is about making sustainable lifestyle changes over time.

No Commitment

No monthly membership fees. No contracts. No automatic billing. Pay only when you order a medication refill.

Transparent pricing that includes everything

Transparent pricing that includes provider visits, medication and supplies and ongoing support including nutrition and exercise coaching.

How long will I need to take medication? Will I regain once I stop?

Medication is a tool and only part of the solution to long term success. While taking the medication you will be changing the way you eat, live and think about food. 

You will start at a low dose and titrate up. This doesn’t always look the same for everyone. Once you achieve your goal weight you will start to wean the dose back down. You will need maintain a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise to maintain your healthy new weight. 

Some people do a maintenance dose after reaching their goal. There are many factors including past weight history – have you struggled all your life, do you have a significant family history of obesity? This is something we need to discuss on an individual case by case basis and come up with the right plan for you.